Salima är swahili och betyder "say hello"
Min stora kärlek Sihiri parades i slutet av december 2016. Valparna föddes 28 feb.
Sihiri har en härlig positiv attityd. Hon gillar att arbeta oavsett uppgift. Hon är social och vänlig men har också en del vakt i sig. Hon småpratar gärna och vill helst befinna sig i samma rum som matte. Hon skäller sällan.
Vi har gjort flera mentaltester MH, BPH och MT. Dessa visar att hon är mentalt stabil, orädd, nyfiken och med en del skärpa.

SIHIRI Hayawani Sihiri Fukuzana
Född: 2011-01-18. 63,5 cm hög. Höfter: A/A,
Armbågar: 0/0. EOAD: Fri.  DM: bärare. JME: bärare
Tänder: korrekt bett, fulltandad.
SUCH DKCH. Sihiri har varit oerhört framgångsrik på utställning ända sedan hon var liten valp med BIS, BIR och BIG3. Hon har vunnit bla "Bästa huvud" 4 ggr och "Bästa rörelser" en gång på Ridgebackspecialer. År 2013 blev hon Sveriges Guldhund (ridgeback) dvs Sveriges framgångsrikaste utställningstik i rasen.
Click on pictures for bigger size.
RÜDI Bawabu Diabo Dinizulu
Rüdi är snygg, trevlig, lagom stor hane och med fantastiskt fint huvud med vackra mörka ögon. Han är glad och positiv till sin natur och han har dessutom flera väldigt fina och intressanta hundar i sin stamtavla.
Kan det bli bättre?
Born: 2012-12-17 Height: 66cm Weight: 42kg
Health: HD: B/A, ED: 0/0
Spine: LTV1, VA0, Spondylosis clear
DM: free by parentage. JME: free - non-carrier
Correct bite and all teeth present.
MH: in Finland. Breeding examination approved
Owners: Outi & Rami Lilja
Breeder: Satu Laakso, Bawabu Kennels

FI, SE & LT CH, Nordic JW-13, Finnish JW-13
Junior of the Year 2014 (from all breeds)
BIS Junior Winner
#2 Showridgeback in Finland 2015
Crufts qualification winner 2016 (for Crufts 2017)

Read more about "Rüdi" at his own site HERE
Visit Rüdi´s breeder, Kennel Bawabu HERE
My great love, Sihiri is mated in the end of December 2016.
Sihiri has a great and positive attitude. She likes to work regardless of the task. She is social and friendly. But she also has some guard instincts. She is a happy chatter and likes to be where mum is. She rarely barks.
She has made several mental tests MH, BPH and MT. These shows that Sihiri is mentally stable, fearless, curious and has some sharpness.
After a long and careful searching I found a suitable lovely dog, Rüdi who has "everything".
We met when we showed our dogs in Borås last summer where Rüdi was BOB and Akka BOS.
Rüdi is a stylish, pleasant, good sized male with an amazing nice head with beautiful dark eyes. He is happy and positive in nature. Also, he has several very nice and interesting dogs in his pedigree. Could it be better?
SIHIRI Hayawani Sihiri Fukuzana
Born: 2011-01-18. Height: 63.5 cm Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0. EOAD: free. DM: carrier. JME: carrier.
Full scissor bite.
SUCH DKCH. Sihiri has been extremely successful in the showrings since she was a little puppy with BIS, BOB and BIG3. She has won "Best head" four times and "Best movements" once in Ridgeback specials. In 2013 she became Sweden's Top winning showridgback.

RÜDI Bawabu Diabo Dinizulu
Born: 2012-12-17.  Height: 66 cm Hips: A/B Elbows 0/0 Spine: LTV1, VA0, spondylosis clear. DM: free. JME: non-carrier. Full scissor bite.
MH in Finland. Breeding examination approved
FI, SE & LT CH. Nordic JW-13, Finnish JW-13. Junior of the Year 2014 (all breeds). BIS Junior Winner.
# 2 exhibition Ridgeback in Finland in 2015. Crufts qualified 2016
We expect nice, breed typical puppies with great zeal. The coefficient of inbreeding is 0.0 %
None of the puppies will become ill of DM, JME or have congenital hearing loss EOAD.

Quote from the journal RR- Nytt 3 2016 (the Swedish Rhodesian Ridgeback Association) "to include our carriers in breeding is very important not to reduce the breeding stock and thus give rooms for other diseases to arise and spread in our breed."
Helene & Catharina
Inavelskoefficient 6 led: CoI: 0,0 %
Sihiri med fantastiska rörelser